Sunday, April 1, 2012

April Fools Day Weather

  As you can tell it is April Fools and after a warm week it is now cloudy and chilly outside.  So on Friday we went out for phenology and it was really warm that morning.  It was a bit windy outside but the breeze was comfortable.  I observed the grass and it is way greener than I saw it before.  Most of the leaves are gone from the trees, hopefully blossoms will bloom shortly and  Summer seems to be coming shortly.  It is only March and it has been so warm outside this whole week up to seventy degree weather.   Yesterday I got sunburned really bad from playing in my tennis matches.   Wow it was really warm yesterday, compared to last year were having June weather.    Today now I observe from walking to the car I was not wearing a coat, it is so windy and cold outside this afternoon.  Maybe this is some kind of April fools joke or maybe its just the weather pattern.

1 comment:

  1. April Fool's Day in Montana, for sure! We were hiking up the East Rosebud and it was gorgeous up there... was surprised at how chilly it was here in Billings when we returned.
