I shared our blog with several of my BSHS colleagues today during our PIR in-service and they were amazed by the work being produced here... your artful, thoughtful reflections; your humor and candor; your musings and observations.
One colleague commented on the connections this blog could provide between our class and our greater community, and I began wondering just how vast our audience might really be. I knew that a few teachers, administrators, and parents had checked our blog, but beyond that I assumed our readership was pretty limited.
So, imagine my surprise when (for the very first time!) I checked out our blog "statistics" and discovered that we have had almost 1000 views -- mostly from the US, but also from readers in Russia, Germany, France, Brazil, and Malaysia!!!! This discovery made me think of Arlo (our friend and former classmate) and his relocation to Australia... Maybe we should send him an invite to join our blog and post about the phenology of his new area?
Anyhow, I am humbled, and impressed, and very proud of the work you all are doing! Keep it up!
Wow that is incredible. In the eyes of the internet, the world is indeed very small!